There is no denying the fact that proper amenities in the workplace enhance the productivity level of the employees. Amenities in a shared workspace certainly help the employees to focus on their work.
They do not have to move here and there for every small thing which can save their time in a great way. Thus it is very important that every shared workspace should have all the basic amenities that are required by the working persons. The most important and essential amenities in a shared workspace. The following are some basic amenities that every shared workspace must have:
High-speed Internet connection or Wi-Fi
Today every piece of work is done with the help of the Internet. You need an Internet connection in every type of office work starting from sending an email to preparing a report. That is the reason why it is very essential that every shared workspace must have a high-speed Internet connection or Wi-Fi facility.
Meeting rooms
Meeting rooms are very essential for all types of business not only to hold meetings among the team members but also it provides a huge impact on the mind of the client about the company and it tells a lot about their professionalism. As such a meeting room in a shared workspace is a must.
Comfortable chairs
It is seen that the employees usually spend 8-9 hours in their working place. Thus they need comfortable sitting chairs which will help them to do their work comfortably throughout the day. So it is very essential that the shared workspace has comfortable and adjustable chairs that help the members to work efficiently.
Phone booth
It is very important that the shared working space have phone booths and calling areas where the members can make private calls. Phone calls are very important for some kinds of business and they cannot broadcast their business conversation in public. So, it is very important for them to have a separate designated area in the shared workspace where they can make calls comfortably to their customers.
Secured workstation
In the shared workspace, you will find that most of the people work on their laptop but still, there will be some members who need to work on the desktop and for them, you cannot ignore the workstation. A workstation should accommodate monitors, CPU and should have locked and secured storage for keeping various gadget and resources safely.
Printers and scanners
Printers and scanners are as essential as computers and the Internet in any office environment. Every now and then the members of the shared workspace need to take the printout or scan their document. As such every shared workspace must have several high-quality printers and scanners.
Cafeteria or lunch room
The shared workspace must have a cafeteria or lunchroom where the members of the shared workspace can have lunch. There should be all facilities in the cafeteria such as fridge, micro oven, pure drinking water, coffee vending machine, etc.
The members of the shared workspace very often need to provide the professional presentation. As such every shared work must have projectors so that the members do not find any difficulty in presenting any of their professional presentations.
Mail service
A professional address is very important for all kinds of business. Without a professional address no client, customers or vendors will rely on the company. Mailing address and mail service is a must for all types of business. As such every shared workspace must provide mailbox or locked file cabinet or any other mail storage area to each of its members.
Whiteboard is another important amenity that every shared workspace must have. It becomes very essential to use whiteboard when a manager needs to brainstorm his team members, map the outline or strategise the next step of the project. As such having a whiteboard in the shared workspace is very important.
Washroom in the workplace is a must and every shared workspace should have a separate washroom for ladies and gents. The washroom should be equipped with toilet paper, soap, hand dryers, etc.
A shared workspace is an excellent place for all professionals especially for the freelancers and the startup companies. But before selecting a shared workspace for your team or company you must ensure that it has the above-mentioned amenities so that the members can work efficiently.
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